zurück zum Presse-Echo

Berlin, 28.1.2002

New version published;
9th edition of Documentation (only in German available)
"Bundesdeutsche Flüchtlingspolitik und ihre tödlichen Folgen
1993 bis 2001 

German`s Refugee Policy and its deathly Consequencies  
1993 to 2001

After the campaign "Uprising of the decent" launched in summer 2000 by the German government, the political responsibles of this PR' initiative became "now more concrete". They started a new attack on human rights and on human dignity of migrants and refugees, with the draft of the so-called "New Immigration Law" (Zuwanderungsgesetz) and the legalized "Anti-Terrorism-Law" (Terrorismusbekämpfungsgesetz). That's the way how refugees and migrants come by law and/or per decret under general suspicion in Germany. That is state-sponsored racism, which makes racism furthermore acceptable and legitimizes it within the German society.

The declared goals are to repulse poor and persecuted people fleeing their home countries and to accept entrance to this country exclusively for specialists who are only useful for the German economy. This finds its equivalence in the law.

A net of repressive laws, an army of brains behind the scene and a host of police and Federal Border Police (BGS) officials stand opposite to each and every refugee. The merciless surveillance and expulsion politics are increasingly going. Besides the existing deportation prisons, the state-organized expulsion' machine should be forced or strengthened in the future with psycho-terror and police measures through establishment of the so-called "Departure Centres" (Ausreisezentren). The prohibition to leave their locality of residence, village or town (Residenzpflicht= Duty Residence/Compulsory Residence), which applied so far to Asylum-Seekers will not be abolished, but is expanded since to a further group of refugees (or to the circle of people in possession of a special temporary residence permit called "Duldung"). The anyway brutal "Airport Procedure for Asylum-Seekers" (Flughafenverfahren) will further apply also to children like to unaccompanied young refugees.

The access area for regular control of foreigners and people alike by the BGS, which to date covered itself so far approx. 30 Km land strips at the national borders, on zones near airports, railway stations like in trains, will be extended within the coast regions from 30 to 60 Km. It means that Northern Federal States will have to reckon with the enlargement of the BGS' presence in their areas. For many refugees, crossing the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany remains further a lethal action or adventure and all those, who pass through, are looked up with High Tech. They are even often tracked down and haunted, bitten and taken by dogs.

This documentation aims to show the state-sponsored racism and how racism is feeling at home within the German society exposing many concrete single examples. Since our work is concentrated to record particularly cases of refugees and people without residence permit ("Sans Papier") who were physically damaged through violence due to the brutal migrant policy, this documentation presents clearly a small extract from the reality of the refugees policy despising human rights in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Documentation covers the period of 1.1.1993 to 31.12.2001:

130refugees died on the way into the Federal Republic Germany or at its borders, about 100 of them alone at the German Eastern border,
343refugees were seriously injured while trying to cross the border, about 209 of them at the German 
Eastern borders,
99refugees committed suicide in view of their imminent deportation or died while attempting escape deportation; 45 people among them died in deportation prisons, 
338refugees injured themselves from fear of deportation or to protest against imminent deportation (mostly through risky hunger strike) or tried to commit suicide; about 227 of them were in deportation prisons while they did these actions, 
5refugees died during the forced deportation,
171refugees were seriously injured due to compulsory measures or ill-treatments, during the deportation,
16refugees died in their home countries after being deported and at least
321refugees were tortured and ill-treated by police or military in their home countries after being deported,
46refugees were victims of forced disappearances after their deportation, 
refugees died due to police violence, 230 were severely injured by police or guards of 
deportation prisons,

58peoples died due to fires in refugees' barracks; 511 refugees were partly injured,
11refugees died due to racist attacks on street. 

In Germany died more refugees (261) due to official (state) measures of Federal Republic of Germany than through racist attacks (69 refugees). 

The documentation is only available in German version, printed format (DIN a4 - 216 pages)for 9,00 EURO (+ 1,60 EURO for postage andpackage). Note that the Interactive version of the Documentation will be available very soon as CD-ROM for the same price mentioned above!
The Online version will also be available in February under: 
People with interest for special subjects (e.g. dead and injured refugees at the borders, suicides, ill-treatments at airports, refugees from kurdistan, et.al)